A SEM campaign must deliver the highest possible conversion rates to get the best ROI.

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Conversion Strategies




Conversion strategies are the plans needed to convert a looker into a buyer!

Conversion on-line:
SEO site design, SEM campaigns, site navigation, page layout and targeted content brings the customer to your product. If the job is done well, the conversion rate is high and you are profitable. Online conversion is simply a matter of analysing and "tweaking" your campaign to complete the sale.

Conversion off-line:
Sometimes not all transactions are completed on-line. customers come to your site, learn about your product or service and complete the sale at your place of business. This off site conversion is also measurable and adjustable.

It is not enough to just increase website traffic:
You need a website marketing strategy because without one the typical conversion rate for a website is about 2% of visitors. You want to do better than that. You need to do better than that if your traffic us costing you money.

A comprehensive online marketing strategy begins with the first impression you make on your visitor. Do you look like a company that is professional and on-target to the customer's goals?

Conversion strategy is implemented technically through your overall site architecture and follows through with effective content that makes visitors feel confident that you can solve their problems. Underlying an effective website marketing strategy is an incisive empathy with your target market's needs.

Conversion strategies at webRight are designed to fit your needs and get results.


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