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Pay Per Click Programs (PPC)




Pay per click is an extremely effective and increasingly popular online advertising service and internet marketing strategy being offered by search engines.

Pay Per Click programs offfered by search engine is a effective way to drive targeted traffic to your website. Two major PPC services are offered by Google AdWords and Overture. A highly targeted PPC program can bring a good ROI.

Pay Per Click is a system where you pay a search engine a certain amount of money each time a visitor clicks through your designated search engine listing to your site. Specific keyword phrases each have their own price. The more popular the keyword phrase is, the higher the click through rate is.

Pay your way to the top.

If you have an unlimited budget, this is an easy way to get listed at the top of Search Engines. Paid placement. You have complete control over the text to be displayed. You have control over your budget. If you decide after your $5.00 per day maximum is reached, then you are no longer listed on the Search Engine for that day or time period. You can turn your ads on or off to meet the demographics you have previously determined. PPC advertising is trackable through analytic software and can quantify the value of a click.

Pay per click advertising is not Search Engine Optimization (SEO), it is Search Engine Marketing (SEM). Often, because of the close nature of the search industry, the SEARCH ENGINE SPECIALIST is reponsible for the intiatiation of all search engine strategies.

Google Ad Words

Let us take the worry out of bidding your Google Ad Word Account. We write professional ads using the best value terms for your products or service and maximize the efficiency of your bids based on your budget cap. We handle all the costs and send you a printout of the stats once per month.

webRight runs many Google Ad Word campaigns. If you are not bidding Yahoo Search PPC you should consider that as well because on a traffic per dollar basis it is about 25% of the Google cost... and you get guaranteed placement in the position you bid on.


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Raymond Deschenes is a Search Engine Specialist that can work with your
marketing team on pay per click campaigns.

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