Keyword & keyword phrases improve search engine rankings.

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Keyword Phrases and Keywords




Keyword... a significant word used in indexing.

Key and dictionary page with the definition of keyword

Keyword and key phrases usage on a page is critical to how well that page does in the search engines. Careful keyword research is an essential step in web site optimization.

webRight will find best keywords for your website so that customers can easily find you. Every search engine optimization program begins with good keyword research.

webRight will:

  • Help you find best keywords for your web site fast and accurately.
  • Optimize the content of your web pages and your meta tags.
  • Maximize your pay per click campaigns.
  • Take traffic away from your competitors.

Contact webRight for a one on one consultation to help you target the right keywords (key phrases) for your website. Between 25 to 35 combination of key phrases / keywords are needed.

When using keywords for PPC programs there are several key factors to be aware of: variations in case, singular and plural forms of the keyword, common misspellings of the keyword and topics relevant to the keyword you are using.

Keyword modifiers extend the reach of basic keywords and are critical to establish during the research process. Research should feed the PPC campaign and the PPC campaign results should feed the organic search engine optimization page development strategy. The keyword database determines the relevance and weighted popularity. In other words you want to know what percentage of the people searching for specific keywords do you want coming to your site. The weighted popularity determines which terms best reach the desired audience.

Assessing the relevance of keywords determines the weighted popularity of search terms and it is extremely import that any effective PPC or organic search optimization begin with the development of keywords.

Developing a set of keyword phrases and placing them on a page involves specific techniques that have been developed through experience and also using specific SEO tools such as Wordtracker.

  • Do you know what keywords are making your competition rank high in search engines?
  • Do you know when your competition rotate their key phrases?
  • How do you know what key phrases work?
  • How do you target competitive keywords?
  • Are your keywords really getting the results you wanted?
  • Do you know the difference between quality keyword research and just keywords?
  • Do you have a list of Industry keywords?
  • Are spelling mistakes part of your keyword list?
  • Should you consider seasonal keyword trends?
  • Do your keywords have a proportional keyword density?

Finally, it is important to be able to track the performance of your keywords and key phrases. Effective analysis of keyword performance can remove those words that just are not performing.


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webRight has the tools and the experience to develop a set of keyphrases
and knows how to place them on your page.

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Keyword Suggestions for:

By Aaron Wall's SEO Book

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